We support and accompany communities in the defense of their territories against the expansion of the extractivist mining frontier and false transitions.

We contribute to strengthening environmental democracy and territorial autonomy and promote strategies to stop corporate impunity in the case of large-scale mining projects, promoting environmental justice and comprehensive reparations for affected territories and peoples.


The Mining Conflicts Area focuses on analyzing the impacts of this type of extractivism in Colombia. (metallic and non-metallic mining), as well as the extractivist geopolitics of minerals. By Through processes of political and environmental training, accompaniment, community research, communication for advocacy and articulation in legal actions, we work together with the affected communities, with the purpose of providing tools and elements to confront mining expansion on their territories.

For decades, as this was one of the first issues to be addressed by the organization from the moment Since its founding, the Area has accompanied indigenous and Afro-descendant communities and workers of African descent. coal production in the Caribbean region, particularly in La Guajira, which have been facing the impacts of their large-scale mining by the c minelargest open-pit tree nursery in Latin America, El Cerrejón. In this area, we have also set out to promote strategies that will contribute to curbing the corporate impunity, particularly in the face of the future scenario of mining closures, which will require comprehensive reparation processes for the affected territories, as well as particular attention to false transitions.

We are currently seeking to broaden our knowledge of new forms of energy production.

We have also accompanied peasant and indigenous communities in the southwest of Antioquia, strengthening their organizational process and building together strategies for territorial defense against the threat of mining.large-scale gold and copper mining. In 2011, in that area, we took part, within the framework of the School of Sustainability, in the creation of the process of The Western Environmental Belt, COA, is a territorial articulation called the Western Environmental Belt, COA, which groups efforts Caramanta, Támesis, Jericó, Pueblorrico, Andes and Jardín, which sought to oppose the threat. The Colombian gold belt is officially known as the gold belt of Colombia and its interests are are led by the transnational AngloGold Ashanti.

We are currently seeking to expand our knowledge of new forms of energy production, linking the exploitation of minerals for transition, its threats and geographies of expansion. In the same way, we make visible the false solutions of thensition, associated with the intensification of the search for and exploitation of minerals such as copper or lithium, as well as the visibility of the socio-environmental impacts of new energy and renewable energy technologies. communication, which have been imputed toThese are due to the capitalist development model. We are looking for collectively build strategies to stop corporate impunity in the case of mining projects, promoting proposals for territorial autonomy and enforceability of rights through legal means.


In addition to our areas of work, we have delved into particular aspects of various environmental problems in Colombia and around the world, in order to broaden social understanding and make visible the voices of communities and organizations that face them, which propose alternative and that survive in the territories. For this purpose, we have created campaigns, research and multimedia content that you can learn about through our transmedia experiences.