General Coordination and Administration Team
Tatiana Rodríguez Maldonado
Coordinadora General
Sonia Medina Manjarrés
Coordinadora Administrativa
Viviana Castro Rodríguez
Auxiliar contable y administrativa
Diego Andrés Martínez Zambrano
Coordinador de área
Laura Angélica Sánchez Torres
Profesional de área
Camilo Restrepo
Profesional de área
Nina Daniela Pérez Campos
Auxiliar contable y administrativa
Lorena Rodríguez Romero
Orlando Chaparro
Revisor fiscal
Water Area, Common Good
Diego Andrés Martínez Zambrano
Coordinador de área
Camilo Restrepo
Profesional de área
Mining Conflicts Area
Catalina Caro Galvis
Coordinadora de área
Paula Andrea Portela Montoya
Profesional de área
Energy and Climate Justice
Tatiana Roa Avendaño
Coordinadora de área
Juan Pablo Soler Villamizar
Coordinador de proyectos
Andrés Gómez Orozco
Profesional de área
Mariana Pinzón Cortés
Profesional de área
Nelson Andrés Ravelo Franco
Profesional de área
Eliana Carolina Carrillo Rodríguez
Profesional de área
Forestry and Biodiversity Area
Diego Alejandro Cardona Calle
Coordinador de área
Linda González
Profesional de área
Communications Team
Alfonso Cañón
Coordinador de Comunicaciones
Laura Berrío Flórez
Profesional de área
Advocacy and Training and Pedagogy Teams
Marcela Gómez Martínez
Coordinadora de proyecto
General Coordination and Administration Team
Tatiana Rodríguez Maldonado
General Coordinator
Political scientist from Universidad Nacional de Colombia with a Master’s degree in Communication from Universidad Javeriana. He has researched on multiple topics of public interest, mainly environment, urban issues, armed conflict and historical memory.
She was advisor to Carlos Vicente de Roux in the Council of Bogota, coordinator of the Support Group for initiatives at the National Center of Historical Memory, CNMH, and member of the Planning Advisory Office of the Unit for the Search for Missing Persons, UBPD, between 2013 and 2021.
At Censat Agua Viva she was the coordinator of the Mining Area between 2010 and 2013, year from which she joined the General Assembly and the Board of Directors. He continued to collaborate with the organization in international advocacy and led the research conducted for the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition to deepen the understanding of the relationship between the armed conflict and nature. This research was conducted within the framework of the project «Rivers in the war: patterns of environmental impacts of the internal armed conflict in Colombia (1958 – 2016)». The results included pedagogical tools such as Fishing for Memories, the web documentary Whirlwinds of war and development on the Sogamoso River in Santander (winner as best first film at the Barichara Film Festival in 2022) and the catalog of the same name.
In addition to being the current General Coordinator of Censat Agua Viva, she is the advisor for Colombia of the Global Greengrants Fund, GGF.
Some of the works she has authored or edited are: «Imagen y discurso: construcción de sentido en las portadas de las revistas Semana y Cambio 1998-2004» (2006), «¿Agua o minería? Un debate nacional» (2011), «La gran minería en Colombia: el boom de los conflictos socioambientales» (2017), «Memorias que germinan: iniciativas de memoria histórica para narrar vivencias del conflicto armado en Colombia» (2018) and «Barrio tomado: el discurrir de Las Aguas en Bogotá» (2019), a book with which she won the award for publication of unpublished work from the Ministry of Culture.
General Coordination and Administration Team
Sonia Medina Manjarrés
Administrative Coordinator
Public Accountant and Professional Secretarial Technician of the National Apprenticeship Service,
I would like to specialize in Forensic Auditing.
General Coordination and Administration Team
Viviana Castro Rodríguez
Accounting and administrative assistant
Technician in commercial consulting and operations in financial entities, Public Accountant in training at the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (National Open and Distance University). Worked at Fundación Social Vive
General Coordination and Administration Team
Nina Daniela Pérez Campos
Accounting and administrative assistant
Technologist in Business Administration graduated from Colegio Universitario de Administración y Mercadeo located in Carabobo, Venezuela. Her greatest motivation is her family, every day she works for their welfare so that her children have a better quality of life and be a positive role model for them, besides making her parents proud and being an unconditional support for her husband.
General Coordination and Administration Team
Orlando Chaparro
Statutory Auditor
Public Accountant from Universidad La Gran Colombia, with a Master’s Degree in Management from Universidad del Rosario. He is a director of Advisory International, after years of being an advisor and consultant in evaluation issues,
General Coordination and Administration Team
Lorena Rodríguez Romero
Public Accountant graduated from Universidad de Cundinamarca, Fusagasugá. She combined her studies as an accountant with work as an accounting assistant and administrative secretary, which gave her solid knowledge in the use of Office tools and accounting software. Likewise, I have worked during my studies in customer service and sales, so I have the tools and soft skills for customer service. His youth and his desire to work allow him to be a very active person. She is a fast learner, has a great love for her profession and is eager to grow both professionally and personally.
Water Area, Common Good
Diego Andrés Martínez Zambrano
Area Coordinator
Water Area, Common Good
Camilo Restrepo
Area Professional
His research interests include the anarcho-environmentalist perspective, popular movements, the
Mining Conflicts Area
Catalina Caro Galvis
Area Coordinator
Popular environmentalist and feminist. Anthropologist and Master in Geography at the National University of Colombia, where she is part of the research group Culture and Environment of the Department of Geography. She has researched issues related to human rights in indigenous peoples of the southwest and the Colombian Caribbean, socio-environmental conflicts associated with mining in various regions of the country and issues of self-education and intercultural education.
She was a professor in the Departments of Anthropology and Ecology at the Universidad Javeriana and the Department of Sociology at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She worked as a researcher at Cinep, at the Corporación Ensayos and at the Casa de Pensamiento of the Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca, ACIN.
Her Master’s thesis, with meritorious mention, is «La piquiña de la minería: prácticas territoriales y transformaciones socio-espaciales en los resguardos indígenas nasa del Cerro Munchique Santander de Quilichao, Colombia 2009-2019» (2022). Other works include «Dreaming future in the land of oblivion: co-collaborative journeys to imagine transition» (2021), How to get out of coal dependence? Elementos para debatir una transición socioeconómica en La Guajira» (2019), » Las venas de la tierra, la sangre de la vida: significados y conflictos por el agua en la zona carbonífera del sur de la Guajira, Colombia» (2018), and «Minería en el norte del Cauca indígena. Territorial practices and socio-spatial transformations in the Nasa indigenous reservations of the municipality of Santander de Quilichao, Cauca» (2014).
Mining Conflicts Area
Paula Andrea Portela Montoya
Area Professional
Anthropologist from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, with experience in social research, school and community work with youth, ethnic and rural communities, in intercultural education projects, gender, territorial defense and agricultural production.
At Censat Agua Viva, she researches socio-environmental and post-extractivist transition, fair mining closure, minerals for transition and the role of women in territorial defense, particularly in the Caribbean region and southwestern Antioquia.
Energy and Climate Justice
Tatiana Roa Avendaño
Area Coordinator
Colombian environmentalist and activist, co-founder of Censat Agua Viva and of the Emerger Fund that
Energy and Climate Justice
Juan Pablo Soler Villamizar
Project Coordinator
Energy and Climate Justice
Andrés Gómez Orozco
Area Professional
Petroleum engineer from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, specialist in geothermal engineering from the University of Auckland (New Zealand), and Master of Arts from Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Energy and Climate Justice
Mariana Pinzón Cortés
Area Professional
Social Communicator with a Master’s degree in Environment and Development from the Instituto de Estudios
She currently works in the Energy and Climate Justice Area of Censat Agua Viva, where she supports research, communication and pedagogical activities related to a just energy transition.
Energy and Climate Justice
Eliana Carolina Carrillo Rodríguez
Area Professional
Anthropologist, graduated from Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá, with research interests in feminist political ecology, environmental justice, gender and environment, Latin American feminisms and gender-based violence. She is part of the research group Espacialidades Feministas (Cider, Universidad de los Andes) and of the group Cultura y Ambiente of the Universidad Nacional.
Some of the works she has authored or co-authored are: «Cuerpos-Agua: defensa y cuidado del territorio a través de la experiencia de las mujeres de la Escuela Campesina de Chapacual, Nariño» (2020), graduate work that received honorable mention; and «Ninguna agresión sin respuesta! Acciones de colectivas feministas universitarias de Bogotá frente al acoso sexual» (2022).
Energy and Climate Justice
Nelson Andrés Ravelo Franco
Area Professional
Physicist from the National University of Colombia and Master in Technology for Social Development from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro with a dissertation that received an honorable mention from the Brazilian Association of Social Studies of Sciences and Technologies, Esocite.
Forestry and Biodiversity Area
Diego Alejandro Cardona Calle
Area Coordinator
Environmentalist and agroforestry practitioner. Forestry Engineer, Master in Tropical Forest Sciences. Dynamizer of the opening of the Area of Forests and Biodiversity, of which he was co-founder; researcher in community management of forests and territories, deforestation, green economy and financialization of nature. He was chair of the Global Forest Coalition between 2015 and 2020 and is also the current regional co-coordinator of the Forests and Biodiversity Program of Friends of the Earth International. Member of the CENSAT Agua Viva Assembly.
He has worked on research to corroborate the contribution of family and/or traditional agriculture to soil conservation and biodiversity in the Colombian Andes and the Brazilian Amazon. Part of the results of this work is available in: Conservação de recursos genéticos vegetais in situ em comunidades rurais Amazônicas: o caso da Reserva Extrativista Rio Jutaí – Amazonas (2013); Ciclo de nutrimentos y actividad microbiana en cafetales a libre exposición solar y bajo sombrío de Guamo Inga spp (2005); Evaluación de propiedades físicas y químicas de suelos establecidos bajo café con sombra y a plena exposición solar (2005).
In addition to researching issues related to forests, monoculture tree plantations, certification and the commodification of nature, among others, he has also worked with communities and grassroots organizations to transform them, mainly through community-based forest and land management initiatives. Some contributions in this regard are: Community Forest Management and Agroecology. Linkages and Implications (2017) and Green Economy Alerts Collection (2018 and 2020).
Forestry and Biodiversity Area
Linda Gonzalez
Area Professional
She has worked in social research projects on issues such as territory, human rights, interculturality and ethno-development, as well as in training, mobilization and political articulation processes with indigenous peoples of the Brazilian Amazon.
Some of her publications include «Educação Escolar Guarani em Contexto Transfronteiriço»(2017)-co-authored, «Leaving ‘Sentimental Pessimism’ Behind: anthropological reflections on indigenous populations as subjects of study» (2018), and «Mbyá Guarani e Turismo na Tríplice Fronteira: Tensões e Representações Turísticas Sobre ‘O Guarani'» (2018).
Communications Team
Laura Berrío Flórez
Communications Coordinator
Communications Team
Alfonso Cañón
Area Professional
Bachelor’s degree in community education with emphasis on Human Rights, from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, with experience in community education processes. Popular communicator, workshop leader with experience in collective and participatory construction of advocacy and communication plans and strategies, as well as in the implementation of pedagogies and methodologies for the strengthening of participatory, communication and memory processes. From a political dimension, she has accompanied different communication and graphic production exercises for union, youth, popular, educational and women’s scenarios. His interest in the field of communication focuses on the construction of messages, narratives and aesthetics that allow to dispute or deform the common sense built from hegemonic spaces.
He was coordinator of the communications management of the social and political movement Congreso de los Pueblos, coordinator and member of communications committees for national advocacy campaigns «Párese duro, ser líder social no es delito», «Caravana humanitaria al Cañón del Micay», «El campo se respeta», «Participar es paz», among others. He was a pedagogical advisor for the creation of the didactic proposal for the dissemination of the mission of the Unit for the Search for Missing Persons, UPBD, member of the pedagogical committee of the Week for Peace in 2019, in charge of defining strategies and didactic and pedagogical actions for the dissemination of peace proposals.